"ITOOK OFF MY PANTIES". A testimony every girl should read

"ITOOK OFF MY PANTIES". A testimony every girl should read

Dec 16,2023

I'm going to share with you the testimony of a girl who advises her friends not to take off her panties.

This girl begins her testimony by saying: "I was a good girl. I was beautiful and had an attractive figure. I was a strong Christian and believer in God. When I entered the University I met a boy named Derrick.

The first time we met was at school. We collide and I hurry so as not to be late. He had such a beautiful smile and unique personality that I felt captivated when he spoke to me.

We didn't talk much because I was late. 3 weeks later we met at a reception for new students. It was a good time to talk, I found out he is in 2nd year.

That whole night we were one. In the early days we were just friends. As the months went by, it grew more and more. We have also joined the body.

Derrick was the boy every girl would date without a doubt. More than that he was not a Christian.

He had magical hands that when he touched me I felt like I was in another world. Everything changed one day when my partner told me that I was getting fatter.

I was still vomiting every morning, and I thought it was a sickness caused by exhaustion. Later I also lost my period. I went to the doctor far from where I was studying, and I found out I was pregnant. I was 19 at the time.

I couldn't tell my parents, they wouldn't understand. What would I do? I had a long life ahead of me. I went to tell Derrick how it was. As soon as I told him, he changed in a way that I have not seen him like that since we met. He called me so many bad names that I cried. My heart was pounding.

When he saw that I was very depressed, he held me and touched my hair to calm me down, telling me in a calm voice that I should take it off. I was shocked and told him I was not taking it off.

He explained to me how it would be if my parents found out and that it would happen at school, that they would immediately expel me, and the choir I was in would cause me problems.

I had no other choice, I agreed. Derrick arranged everything for the abortion. I entered the room where I was supposed to abort. Derrick kept reassuring me that it was going to be okay.

I was lying on the bed thinking about the consequences of what I was about to do, then I heard a man tell me that I could not do this without taking off my underwear! When I started to take it off, I thought about how I took off the panty and felt happy, but I was taking it off to get rid of the pregnancy that came from that happiness.

What shame and guilt. Then I continued to listen to the devices alternately entering me. I also kept thinking about how I was a gentle girl but now I had become something else that I don't even know.

I was going to feel like a sharp knife was inserted into me and I felt like my whole body was being stung. I screamed, the doctor asked me to forget it! The anger continued to spread. I was too weak to speak. I kept hearing the voices of Derrick and the doctor talking about how much I was bleeding.

With the little strength I had left, I asked God for forgiveness, saying to myself, "God, forgive me for being the one you grew up with." "

This girl's advice: Dear friends, our bodies are temples of God. We don't have to worry too much about it. Many girls enter university as virgins, but they are ruined by boys/men who have no plans for their future. My friend, even if you have committed adultery, it is not over yet. Protect your virginity until you get married. You will remain a virgin in God's sight because you have determined to honor Him by ignoring your past actions. The way a guy sleeps, he sleeps with other people.

Being in love with a boy for a long time does not mean that he has become your husband. We give ours to people who don't deserve it. A girl who controls her emotions is valuable.

This girl ends her testimony by saying: "DO NOT TAKE OFF YOUR PANTIES! A man who is not committed to having children does not deserve to see your nakedness."