How to prevent prostate Cancer with a mixture of water and Cucumber?

How to prevent prostate Cancer with a mixture of water and Cucumber?

Oct 08,2021

It is true that water is important for drinking as well as for its unique benefits. However the mixture of water and Cucumber also has an incomparable advantage as we will tell in this story.

. Is Cucumber good for prostate cancer?

. What can I drink to prevent prostate Cancer?

. How do I keep my prostate healthy?


The importance of water is complex:


1. Good skin

Combine contains excretions and vitamins and water is known to fight dryness and cleansing the body. Its mixture therefore expels the skin's anti-aging waste, fights the scars that come with it, and even fights skin rashes due to aging


2. Weight loss

It even protects you from thirst and sometimes you get thirsty and go hungry. If you want to lose weight, drink a lot of this water because it prevents you from splitting or eating too much.


3. Heart

Cucumber is rich in potassium which is a good nutrient that helps those with heart problems. Its body mass decreases sodium levels, which is bad because its body mass causes high blood pressure. So drinking this water fights against speed, stroke, and other heart attacks.


4. Weight of bones

Although concombre does not contain a lot of minerals but contains silicon and manganese, one of the minerals the body does not need is many, but it is needed for the bones to be healthy. So drinking this water helps to keep the bones healthy and protects you from side effects and other bone diseases as you get older.


5. Cancer

Cucumber contains cucurbitacin which is the only active ingredient in it and is known to excrete waste in the body especially drinking water containing Cucumber which helps fight prostate cancer in men, and various other cancers in general.


7. Cleaning

Drinking this water will make you urinate more often so as you urinate you will be excreting waste and toxins from the body. this will be done soon and avoid any garbage and poison that will be stored in you.


8. Continuing the muscles

In combination, silicon is rarely mentioned yet, but it is important for making your muscles stronger and more efficient.


How is this water prepared?


Preparing this water is not difficult and it is something you can do for yourself. All you have to do is have clean water and fresh water.


- Clean the Cucumber and cut it into circles (do not force it). If you want a glass full of water cut only 4 tablespoons but if you want a liter use all the concombre

- Pour the water into the mixer and add the concretes

- If you can see the balloons in it so that the concombs of the Cucumber do not float. -Whoever doesn't have it use more weight than the concrete so that it goes to the wells and doesn't float

- Let it so for 15 minutes before drinking

- After drinking that water add another one because it does not add nutrients. After 24 hours of concombre you will discard and cut the rest
